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Culture vanishing before our eyes

Some of these constructions have been destroyed by war or by the hate towards other cultures or civilizations. Every war, not only destroys human lives but also part of the testament past man left us. I have chosen some monuments that have been destroyed or are vanishing in front of our eyes in the past years because of the wars and conflicts that are destroying Earth:
Palmyra, Syria

Built around 2.000 a. C, it has seen many ages and lived through many different cultures and people. Part of this city has been destroyed by the Daesh fighters (IS).

Samarra Mosques, Iraq

It was built around the IX century, and it was considered the biggest one in the world. The minaret known as Malwiya was 52 meters high but in 2005 an attack against a NATO convoy destroyed part of the minaret and its walls.

Buddha of Bamiyan , Afghanistan

Both Buddhas looked over the afghan valley for around 1500 years until 2001 when Taliban destroyed them with dynamite for considering then blaspheme.

Bosra, Syria

It was the Roman Empire capital. Its heart was a roman
amphitheater that lasted until a couple of months ago, when some groups fighting between themselves destroyed this wonderful roman archaeological structure

Nimrud, Iraq

For around 3000 years it controlled Mesopotamy and nowadays Nimrud is one of the best examples of the hate war has regarding culture.

Ransacked during 2003 conflict, in 2015 Daesh fighters further damaged its ruins with bulldozers

Cirene, Libya

From around 630 a.C archaeologically speaking it was one of the most wonderful cities in Northern Africa. First Greek, later Roman, its ruins were perfectly conserved and managed to tell its country's history during the years but during the Libyan revolution it was nearly destroyed, including its necropolis

Timbuktu, Mali

It was chosen as UNESCO world heritage and proposed as one of the 7 modern world wonders but because of the war that since 2012 sheds blood in north Mali, it is threatened as a sanctuary and 4 other building have already being destroyed by Al- Qaida militants.

"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage" 

                                                                                                Fallout  3

But do we?


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