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Saving Greece, to save Europe.

Today, I will write about some articles I read and thought a lot about , because I believe one must inform oneself before speaking.
Italian President Sergio Mattarella, recently said:

"If austerity remains, Europe will just suffocate. If one plans and cares only about one own strategic investments, thinking about tighten the rules,Europe won't be able to breath. 
We must never forget that an united Europe, is an ideal, not a place where countries interests prevails, pushing them to a point where is will create fractures within itself and inequality. A dived Europe, is a weak Europe because in the end we will rebel against each other.
We have to direct out strength and thoughts to this European ideal, and the crisis that is upon us, that were caused mainly because of a political desired guided only by national interests."

After the EuroSummit agreement by Greece and Europe, Alexis Tsipras gave an where he tried to explain his decision: 
" It was between this or Grexit"- He also explained that more VAT was better than a reduction of the pensions and salaries, confirming that they will not be touched. He confirmed that the retirement age has risen to 67 years old, adding: "- Its not normal to retire at 45."

He also criticized the way he was treated in Brussels, he actually says that after the referendum they were a little bit vindicative, but added that at least received support from France, Italy and Cyprus.
" You can accuse me of deceiving myself saying that I'd have won in Europe, but you cannot say that I have lied to the Greek citizens"
And regarding  Varoufakis:
 "He evidently made lots of mistakes during negotiations, even if at the beginning he managed to keep at a good rhythm: but I take all the responsibilities. Although being a great studious doesn't mean necessarily being a good politician."

When asked if a Greek default would mean Euro default , Tsipras answered: 
" I think  it's obvious, it would be the end of the Euro zone. If the European political leadership cannot deal with the Greek crisis, that represents 2% of its economy. what will the the market reaction be when they have to face much more serious problems? If Greece defaults, they will look for the next one."
In fact, I ask myself, how would they save much bigger and much more important and I mean economically, countries if they can't solve the Greek crisis?

Many of you can underestimate what Tsipras says, probably thinking that is not relevant because he is the PM of a defaulted country. But everything changes when these concerns come from above, from someone that can decide the fate of Greece and its banks: Mario Draghi

"... If there are counties within the Euro zone that find themselves in much worse situations and belong to the Union, it could mean that sometime they might have to leave. If a country potentially leaves the Euro zone, it would cause problems to everyone. And this would affect the single currency as all deposits and financial contracts, in whichever country it may be would be renominated.
Its not a theory: every each one of us have watched directly, and at a high price for example welfare and employment, how the fear of leaving the Euro zone , and the fear of a renomination caused and could cause a fragmentation in our economies."

So, I am not saying I am against German or German people, I am against a political point of view that thinks they are so above  others that they are immune to any difficult, that they can decide by themselves the fate of millions of people.

Europe is about union, and this union should prevail even when things go bad, otherwise what's the point? Everyone will be there to applaud us on our achievements but who will be there to pick up the broken pieces?
Saving Greece, its not about saving a country, saving culture and history, but also saving Europe. Saving the mutual collaboration spirit, that made this Union so Great.

                                                                                                                                Debora Guazzelli


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